Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ch. 58 - Home

After arriving home safely from our trip the first thing I did was make a spa appointment.  Remembering how all those creepy crawlies covered my arm still gives me shivers.

"I need to schedule a salt scrub immediately."

Since the twins weren't do back until the afternoon Hesper, Helicia and Helios invited some friends over for lunch and set my kitchen on fire.

The fire wasn't set on purpose of course, there was leftover ceviche in the frig and it was a bit too hot for Helios and his friend.  Luckily Helicia and Hasper's quick action kept the damage to a minimum. 

Fires are actually quite common in our household, with the children learning how to master their fire blasts and all.  As a matter of fact the fire chief have become very best friends.  She doesn't know it yet but I just introduced her to her future husband on our last lunch date.  

The trip to France inspired the triplets to improve their skills.  Hesper took up painting, the visit to the art museum really inspired her.

Helicia dusted off the old grand and is filling the temple with music once again.

Helios picked up chess from an elderly man in a park in Champ las Sims.  He has become enamored of the new chess table from the future Diantha dropped off.

The little baguette I've got in the oven is coming along nicely.   My froll baby bump is getting bigger every day.

With the children working hard to improve their skills I realized I've been neglecting a few of my own.  My poor kitchen garden has withered up from neglect.  I've decided to have a watering system installed to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Little Isidor and Iris are excelling in their skills as well.  Both are walking, talking and potty trained.

They both enjoy a good book like their father.  Iris loves books about numbers and shapes.

Isidor really takes an interest in books that have anything to do with colors and painting.

One morning I was going about our usual routine when I was suddenly over come with labor pains.

It wasn't long before little Jacintha made her appearance.

She was then followed by her sisters Jacinda and Jacinta.

I immediately called Fraggleflof to let him know about the good news.

"That's right, three beautiful little girls.  And two of them will have wings."

With the girls now occupying all the cribs it was time for Iris and Isidor to leave the nursery.  

Iris aged into a smart young girl.  She gained the genius trait.

Next it was Isidor's turn to leave the nursery behind.

Look how handsome my little boy is!  He gained the disciplined trait.

After getting Iris and Isidor tucked into their big kid beds it was feeding time for the girls.

"Drink up and become big and strong my precious."

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