Friday, October 25, 2013

Ch. 29 - Happy Halloween

Sunlit Tides seemed to be going through a nasty rain season the storms had been so bad school had been canceled the past few days.  The girls birthday was going to be a quiet affair at home because of it.

Dasia was first to blow out her candles and enter into her teenage phase.

She looked just like her father Trenton with that super stylish haircut of hers.  I can guess who's going to be following in her daddy's foot steps.

Next to celebrate the next phase in life was Doria. 

Being the daughter of a goddess and a fashion phenomenon she couldn't help but add a little sparkle to the occasion.  

My darling girl looks so sophisticated with her charisma a future in media or politics is sure to be bright.

Last but not least was Diantha.  Alesia got a little carried away with the party horn since the party wasn't the big shindig everyone was accustomed to.

Geek chic was the perfect look for Diantha to complement her smart and sassy personality.

Life continued on as usual once the weather cleared.  The older siblings helped with the care of the younger ones.

School was back in session and it was back to hitting the books in preparation for the graduation and the SUAT.  Diantha was especially diligent with her studies.

Sadly Norman's time with the family did come to an end early one morning.  I was expecting Calictus to find another pet but he seems content with catch and release as he will be graduating and leaving for university soon.

With five teens in residence the school bus was still missed from time to time despite the ample bathrooms.

The kids were really pushing themselves with school maintaining honor roll and doing after school activities I decided they deserved a treat.

I called a babysitter for Eldora and Elen and set to work on getting a costume party ready for the kids after school.

 The decorations were so spectacular a festive bunch of gnomes appeared in the party room.

Here are the girls in their cute little bunny costumes with one.

My five teens were ecstatic when I showed up in my pink SUV to pick them up and announce the costume party later that night.  It was off to the store to find them outfits to wear for the party after that.  Everyone looked so wonderful in their costumes I couldn't resist having a family portrait taken for the occasion.

The costume party was a major success.  Dorian, Alesia's oldest came and bobbed apples with his cousins.  You can't tell from the picture but he had become quite the handsome young man.

Speaking of handsome I spotted my newest suitor casting curious glances at me from across the room.

"That is an interesting costume you have there.  What exactly are you dressed as...?"
"Cory," he introduced himself.  "Cory Hargrove, I'm a ghost buster.  Are you a movie star?"
"No, I'm a fortune teller.  I see a very beautiful woman in your immediate future Cory Hargrove."

Ch. 28 - Rebel Spirit

I was in the nursery with the girls when the obnoxious sound of revving motorcycle engines interrupted our quite morning.

When I looked out side to see who was causing such a ruckus I was shocked to discover it was my own children. 

It seemed Davin taught the twins to drive during their stay with him.  Speaking of the devil my cell starting ringing as Cyrena and Calictus pulled into the driveway.

"Hey Aphrodite I was just calling to let you know the twins learned how to drive during their stay and to celebrate the pack pitched in and got them each a gift," Davin rushed out.

"You shouldn't have waited till the last minute to tell me this Davin."  I was furious if I'd known about the twins getting motorcycles I would have made sure they got ones that didn't sound like a herd of elephants with bronchitis.  The noise complaints were sure to start pouring in.

"I'm sorry I just didn't want to ruin the surprise.  The bikes are still a bit loud how about I come over and give them a tune up tomorrow?"  With thoughts of Davin working on the machines under the sunlight in my head I suddenly wasn't angry any more.

"That will be fine," I replied with a smile.

Learning how to drive and getting their own motorcycles from their pack put the two in such high spirits they transformed before the full moon.  

Unfortunately the stay with their father had done little for Cyrena's mood swings.  Her mood had become worse when she learned the boy she wanted to ask to prom was going with another. 

"Jeez Cyrena!  Haven't you heard of not shooting the messenger?   All I did was read a text not set the two of them up myself."

"Oh toughen up you big baby.  I'm going out so cover for me." 

Cyrena dressed in her leather biking clothes and rolled her bike out of the drive way to visit the homes of the offending teens.

Cyrena laughed from the side of the street as the boy came home from his part-time job to the surprise she left on his porch.

Her next stop was to egg his date's front door.  Cyrena wasn't as sneaky as she thought she was because she got caught for vandalism and breaking curfew.

I was dancing with the girls to Alesia's latest album when I got the call.

After putting the girls to bed and rousing Bonehilda from her coffin to watch over the house I went down to the police department to pick Cyrena up.

"So help me Cyrena you pull another stunt like that again and I'll take away your hunting rights.  If you want to get that bike out of impound you'll have to get a job and pay the fees yourself," I fumed.  "To carry on like that because of a boy is beyond ridiculous.  You are a Divine if one boy does not want you snap your fingers and ten more will fall at your feet."

Cyrena slumped her shoulders.  "I know and I'm sorry mom I just really liked him and he chose someone else."

I pulled Cyrena to me in a hug.  "Oh Cyrena rejections never feel good but if he refused a daughter of Aphordite it means that the feelings he and this girl have are true."

"I understand," Cyrena sighed and went to bed.  

I went over to the bar to make myself an energy drink.  The girls birthday was tomorrow and there would be five teenagers under my roof.  I needed to stock up on potent invigorating elixirs.